Hey Holla: Q&A with Etienne & Eli
This month we’re turning on the cute factor as we chatted to Etienne & 3.5 year old Elijah Steyn. Read our Q&A with Etienne & Elijah…
Where do you live? Durban, Glen Ashley.
Did Elijah start on a balance bike or fairy wheels? For his 2nd Birthday we got him a balance bike, that I left lying in the lounge area so that he could play with it whenever he wanted to. I left him to it and it was soon clear that he wanted to master the balance bike because he rode that bike non-stop around the house. There was one rule always… you have to wear a helmet!
How long has Eli been riding with you for? He’s been on the trails now for about a year, where he started riding the pump track for a couple minutes and then we would go ride in the gum trees close to Holla and only in the last 2 months have we been riding the gum trees where the Red, Pink and Green loop go through and he really likes the Red loop in there, he says the other ones are boring and short. From the cars and doing the gum trees and back is about 5KM so from the gum trees to the cars I will tow him with a 29” tube that I cut in half and made two slits on the end to tie a knot around the bikes. Works well because it stretches you don’t get that sudden jolt when you tow him. Thanks to Jasper for that bit of advice!
What’s the furtherest Eli has ever ridden? 5KM on the trails and about 6KM on the promenade in Durban.
What are both of your favourite trails at Holla? It has to be the Red gum tree loop for Eli, my favourite is the Pink loop but the Red is right there too.
What does Eli love about riding? He really likes being out in the mountains, as he would call it, and personally I think he is very adventurous and likes a challenge.
Does Eli have a favourite post ride treat back at the trail head? Oh ya, Chocolate Super Moo!
Number of years you been riding at Holla? I Only started cycling late in my life so I have been riding at Holla for the last 3 years now.
What do you love most about Holla Trails? The Trails really and just he setup at Holla is perfect Jasper and his team do a very good job there and hats off to them!
What is your most memorable ride? Wow tough one! Every ride there is just awesome there’s not just one ride that stands out. The slow rides are just as good as the rides where you hit the gas.
Any tips or advice for other moms and dads trying to get their little ones onto the trails? Kids will always want to do what you do so it’s really easy from there. Don’t wrap them in bubble wrap they need to fall and stand up again to learn what life is about. Don’t ever force the issue let it come to them in their own time, not yours. Also don’t buy a bicycle that too big for them, it does not help confidence and skills.